photo of a homeless man sleeping near a cardboard sign

7 Factors Responsible For Poverty and Financial Limitations

photo of a homeless man sleeping near a cardboard sign
Financial Limitations Photo by Timur Weber on

Financial limitations have been attributed to several factors in life. Sadly most factors are issues to do with self. If one has to step in their season of abundance they have to know how to get their portions.

There is an economic system that does not respect or acknowledge the importance of God. The world is deeply involved in wrongdoing, and people often go to extreme lengths to become wealthy, even if it means someone might get hurt.

God has no hand in the calamity and catastrophe of many people. We have to maximize our life spiritually to access our God-given provision. We must not allow our ignorance to misrepresent God.

Ignorance of God’s financial systems As a Form of Financial Limitation

God has a way of working things. His is a kingdom well outlined and governed by principles that have been proven to be working. In this sub-category, we shall be looking at different biblical examples that work.

Tithing is one of God’s financial systems in existence. When you read in the book of Malachi 3:10, you will understand the miracles behind tithing. God puts us in a position of understanding how to access his blessings. This will help fight poverty and financial limitations among believers.

I like the part that says “I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test! ” I often find this to be the greatest opportunity to stay out of poverty. By just trying God with our tithes. can you imagine blessings that have no room to keep?

If you ever find yourself struggling with issues surrounding paying your tithe, then you need deliverance from the love of money. God is our supply. Whenever blessings come our way, we should know that it wasn’t just automatic. God has his hand in it. Why should one rob God by taking what is His? After all you are the one who remains with much. 10% is so little compared to what one remains with.

have you ever realized that people will always remain faithful with little but when billions and millions start coming, they forget about tithing and start negotiating with God? This is wickedness! Are you ready to test God?

Lack of Productivity and Excellence

When we read Daniel 5: 12-15, we learn that Daniel had the spirit of excellence in him. As valuable as he was, he had to understand that he had to be excellent in all he did. For that to happen, Daniel had to reject certain temporary rewards for him to get more superior rewards.

As Christians, we need to be mentored to understand the value of excellence. Compromise on quality is prevalent, especially in believers. Poverty and financial limitations are products of lack of excellence I all we do.

It is even more sad that if believers are given projects to handle, you will see all shades of compromises and we will cover everything in the name of Jesus and using the guise of similarity of Faith.

Most believers do not want to work extra hard to deliver with excellence. Furthermore, you will hear believers in authority being questioned “Will you not give your fellow believer this road contract? Why would you not give him this contract, why would you not give him this one? The results are the same.

Teaching in one of his sermons, apostle Joshua Selman said “I’ve had that kind of experience myself. Where you can trust people in the name of believers and say okay, let me support you with this. Handle this project and it is a total mess that comes back. A mess with an entitlement mentality on top.”

This forces many to engage purely the non-believers because their basis is purely contractual. They do a good job, professionally based and you won’t regret it. many believers are small-minded. One can start a business and lack the drive to operate it! You open very late and close early. Now, how will you ever make a profit and compete with the rest?

The Absence of Strategic Relationships

There are three things if you don’t have, you’ll forever remain poor. If you lack value, character, and strategic relationships you will forever remain poor. Strategic relationships will add value to our faith.

The bible narrates the story of a man who waited for 38 years waiting for his miracle. his shortcoming was only that he had no man. How about the man who was lowered by four of his friends to receive a miracle? We need men in our lives who can help us overcome in times of financial limitations as well.

A good example is our savior Jesus. God had to send an angel to negotiate with a woman to make a womb available for Jesus. We need the ministry of men in our lives. Honestly, God is the source of our blessings but he blesses people through men.

Relationships are not gifts they are investments. Waiting for people to just like you for nothing is a waste of time. Apostle Joshua Selman said, “I have learned and I have seen in this life that who hates you does not matter, but ladies and gentlemen in this weaked world who loves you matters.”

Read also Dangers of Being an Absent Father by Archbishop Duncan Williams

Remember that Esther could have remained in Shushan until his uncle could present her to the king and she became a queen. Joseph was to remain in prison even though he could interpret dreams. He was introduced to the pharaoh by a man!

We live in an arrogant world that trivializes men. What is there I have God, I don’t need any man. That is true there is a place for that where you describe the sovereignty of God, but when you are dealing with the dynamics of the cosmos, please do not listen to that wrong teaching that you do not need Men.

Men are so important that there are gatekeepers who, even though they are nonbelievers, you cannot cast them. Some men are uncastable. If God wants you to pass through that gate He will grant them favor with you but as far as they are concerned throwing them away is a waste of time. When a man’s ways pleases the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. There are some people if they are not at peace with you, you will go to heaven but you will suffer on this Earth. It is the truth!

Lack of Spiritual Empowerment

Bankruptcy of spiritual empowerment leads to poverty. It is God who gives men the power to prosper. When you read the Bible in Deuteronomy 8:17-18, the bible affirms riches come from God.

I can simply put this like an anointing that comes upon someone. Just like the way the Holy Spirit comes upon someone, the same way this grace can rest upon you.

You need to read the Bible and see how God blessed His servants with every earthly blessing. This is enough proof that God is the source for them that trust in Him.


The pressure to get rich fast can be an addiction. No matter what God gives them, they still want more. Luke 2:52 tells us that Jesus grew in stature, favor, and wisdom with men and God.

Proverbs 13: 11 Wealthe gotten by vanity shall be diminished but he that gathers by labor shall increase. God gives speed but He does not rush men. Many people want to get rich overnight. Yes, God can bless someone overnight but the training period cannot be that instant.

There are things that God wants to help you he will grant you the grace and the patience to endure. The lessons you learn throughout the journey is what makes you keep or maintain what you attain.

If you wear tomorrow’s dress today you will be naked tomorrow! If you eat tomorrow’s food today you will be hungry tomorrow.

I would rather work with Jesus patiently. This too applies even in ministry. There is a difference between faith and foolishness. You have to understand that process builds capacity.

There are things I would never do if God has not built me because I’m not ashamed to move gradually. After all, the mission is Him. It is sad to see people who have come up with over-bloated projects and as we speak, they are in debt. For sure it cannot be the devil. Ask God to give you patience.

Above are some of the factors that lead to financial limitations as taught by Apostle Joshua Selman of Koinonia Global

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