Apostle John Kimani William

Success in a Christian life is inevitable. Success has to do with following God’s agenda for our lives, even when it’s not an easy path. It involves being faithful and obedient to God, even when that means sacrificing our desires, living fully for His purpose for our lives, even when the world tells us we’re not good enough.

GENESIS 13:14 The LORD said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, “Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west. 15 All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever. 16 I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted. 17 Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.”

Success depends entirely on an individual’s conceptual abilities.

Success will be measured in terms of how far one can conceive it in the mind or see it with the inner eyes, and manifest the same physically.  The far to which Abraham was able to see determined his possession and success. What God meant was that the borders of the land to which God was giving to Abraham were to be determined by the extent of his vision.

We can’t see the same things, in the same way. Some people would be satisfied and would consider it a great success to own a two bed-roomed house or a vehicle. Some people just want to own a mountain bike and to them, it will be a great achievement! On the other hand, some multi-millionaires own chains of companies, and yet they seem to be very far from what they want to achieve! Our parameters for measuring success are not the same.

Jesus often told people to receive according to their faith (MATTHEW 9:29). ‘’According to one’s faith’’ means according to one’s vision – how he can conceptualize what he wants or hopes to receive. Thus, God is limited by our seeing or our faith. It’s not about His seeing; it is about our seeing.

More than we pray for or Imagine

God can do more than we pray for or think, but not more than what we can see. He says He can do all ‘according to the power that works in us’ (EPHESIANS 3:20). A prayerful person without a clear vision and purpose in life will amount to nothing. Sometimes, God does not measure our ability with prayer, but by the power of the vision – how far we can see. What every believer receives or becomes is determined by this concept of the power of faith and vision within them.

Those who are prayerful should be clear on what they would like their prayers to achieve or accomplish. Otherwise, there is always a danger of being prayerful without a vision. It can easily lead to discouragement and yet, it is not God’s wish, but rather your lack of understanding. People who are not specific or clear on what they pray for will often not know when their prayers have been answered.

ISAIAH 33:17 -Your eyes will see the king in his beauty and view a land that stretches afar’’. The ability to achieve great things in this life is dependent on seeing God first. You cannot have a bigger vision than the God you see. You cannot accomplish great things in life if you cannot believe in God, who alone can help you accomplish that. If you can visualize or believe what God can do, your actions will be dependent on that. Let us strive to know God in a better way, as it will enlarge our vision.

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