Apostle John Kimani,

As A Man Thinketh So He Is!


 Apostle John Kimani William tells a story is told of an employee on orientation, after having been employed in a certain company. As he was being taken around, he came to one big, spacious, office with only one chair, and without other furniture.

On the chair there was a lady, just swinging around, seemingly not doing anything serious. The new staff wanted to know why the office did not have furniture and other equipment. He was told that the office belonged to one of the company directors, whose work was to think and give ideas.

Her work was to enter the office in the morning, take her seat, and start thinking of new ideas for the company! The new employee was informed that the latest idea she had originated, had earned the company US $100 Million.

Key Points on How to Think Apostle John Kimani William

Apostle John Kimani William says that one of the greatest assets that God ever gave to man is the mind. A person’s ability to think and plan for his/her life is fundamental. What you think is a by-product of who you are and who you are is the by-product of what you think. This implies that if you look at your life today, it perfectly reflects how and what you have been thinking. Therefore, if you will improve on what you are today, you have to start by improving your thinking.

People are not measured by college degrees.

Successful people are not measured by college degrees and certificates alone but by their ability to think. That is why the field of success is very different from that of academics. Academics are there to boost your thinking capacity.

In the field of success, you will get both academic professionals and those who never acquired any good formal education. However, you will find something common among these people: they possess high thinking ability.

Failure To Think by Apostle John Kimani William

On the other hand, there is a group – of failures in life; and here too you find those who are academically qualified and those without good formal education. The problem with this group lies much in the failure to think thoroughly. God brought animals to Adam to be named because God knew that He had created Adam with the capability to do so.

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention. This means that a need triggers effective thinking and analysis that results in devising a solution. Though God did not make umbrellas, He knew that when rained on, men would try to get a solution.

God has given men the mental ability.

God had already created man with the capacity to invent anything according to his needs. This means that those who fail to exercise their reasoning and thinking abilities dishonor God will ultimately suffer in this life. There are things that God will never do for man; however, He has given men the mental ability to do them.

People who exercised their minds to come up with inventions are very rich today. This is because they invented what man needed. As people pay for the products, they are enriched. Some needs are still unmet because they have never found people who can design fitting solutions for them.

Finally, Apostle John Kimani William by saying that there are services that people want. The issue is they have never found people to provide them. This is possible so long as you choose to be a thinker. Let us change our thinking this year and also purpose to remain positive and believe in possibilities.

Read also https://endtimeapostle.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=22&action=edit

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