February Prayer and word Festival

How To Build In The Spirit Realm Apostle John Kimani William

Apostle John Kimani How to Build In The Spirit Realm
How To Build In The Spirit Real By Apostle John Kimani William

Apostle John Kimani William unveiled the February Word and Prayer Festival Poster. However, speaking during the Friday night Kesha, the man of God Apostle John Kimani urged the faithful from all over the world to plan how they can be part of this week of prayer and word.

Many people have not identified the different dimensions of prayer. This is why many may wonder what it this that you keep praying about. They don’t understand there is a broader way of having fellowship with God 1 Corinthians 1. 9 2 Cor 3:18

When we spend time with God, we become empowered to start exercising His word and power in every circumstance.

Systems Of Advantage

Systems of advantage in God’s kingdom help us to build in the spirit and make it manifest in the physical. God has not just called us to just wait for him to answer our prayers. This is mostly a spiritual level.  We have a role to play so that we can see an outcome in our spiritual life.

We have to engage systems of advantage to see the outcomes of our prayer lives. Ephesians 3.16 . We don’t wrestle against flesh and blood. So you need to build your inner man to be able to combat the wicked.

As a child in this kingdom, you are supposed to be empowered to a level where you arise and cause things to happen. God desires us to have sons in this kingdom who take matters upon themselves and bring solutions in life. We cannot just sit and pretend nothing is happening.

Our Biggest Problem As Christians

One of the biggest problems we have in this kingdom is the problem of spiritual babes Gal 4 .19. We have not been able to take advantage of the system of this kingdom.

What do we need to become kingdom builders? There’s a way we can build at whatever level we are at and wait for the physical manifestation, which is God’s will for us.

We are always at a place of great advantage in this kingdom. In those humble beginnings, it is time to build mighty things in this kingdom, spiritually.

We are Builders Just Like God By Apostle John Kimani

Even in the beginning of Genesis 1.1-3, God said let there be. Our God is a spiritual builder. He only spoke a word and it came to pass. Heb 11.3 God called the world into existence by His command. What we don’t see is the spiritual realm. The Holy Spirit with His power to produce what we speak in the spirit after being strengthened in our inner being.

How healthy are you in our inner man? If we were to cross-check what would we find in your inner man? We strengthen our inner man when we fast as we weaken the outer man. Can you call things that are not and make them seem as if they are as in 1 pt 2.5

We are being built into a spiritual house so that we can be able to transact in the spirit realm. God is raising us to be a priesthood that can be able to transact in the spirit realm. How can we be able to do this? 2king3.15

Satan’s agendas are counterfeits. Dark-world priests understand the spiritual world. Sacrifices are part of the advantages as spiritual builders. The king of Moab sacrificed his son and the battle turned against Israel.

Spiritual Battles and Patterns by Apostle John Kimani

The Moabites must have known the history of Abraham and Isaac. He knew there is power in sacrifice. He followed the same example. His sacrifice was accepted in his kingdom of belief. Even in present times, we see people who sacrifice their loved ones to the kingdom of hell.

You are supposed to ask yourself what I have to do to receive what you require. You can speak things in your life, family and in your calling. Just as God called the earth into existence, you can as well speak in life in your situations.

Ezekiel and The Valley Of Dry Bones

Moreso, we read in Ezekiel 37 of how Ezekiel was in a valley full of dry bones. God speaks through examples. It was a hopeless situation and dead visions in the life of God’s people.

Ezekiel was just like us. He even tells God you are the only one who knows. God was training Ezekiel to be a spiritual builder. God cannot do everything for us. He wants us to take advantage of the available spiritual resources and a strong inner man.

Receive grace to transact by Apostle John Kimani

We must rise in this kingdom as kingdom builders. Receive grace to transact in this kingdom. Everyone can prophesy. Even if you won’t prophesy to anyone, speak to your life, your family, your business, and you’re every situation in your life. I am a spiritual builder and I must build.

As Ezekiel was prophesying there was rattling of bones. When he was speaking in the spirit something would manifest in the physical.

I am raising as a spiritual builder. We are going to cause things to happen. You have to love engaging in prayer in everything. There is no vacuum in the spirit. The Lord told Jeremiah He has put his words in His mouth in Jeremiah 1.9

Even where you stay you begin the change from the spirit realm. You plant with the words of your mouth, it will become easy to manifest in the physical.

Prayers are a changing platform. Therefore, we have to demolish everything that was planted against our lives in the spiritual realm. Become one who can build in the spirit and receive in the physical.

There is nothing that doesn’t hear. Even money has ears. Poverty has ears. Command everything in the spirit. We have to become spiritual builders. Let us not live weakly and think we are supposed to be pitied. God wants us to have the capacity to transact in the spirit.

Do Witches Have Power Over Us? Apostle John Kimani

Haven’t we seen witches and sorcerers at work? The power of life and death is in your hands. Finally, we have to take authority in the spirit and destroy such works. Apostle John Kimani William urged followers not to use God’s power to destroy people’s lives. Do not speak evil upon people’s lives.

The same product we have physically the same product we have spiritually. John 10.35 arise and take authority as sons in this kingdom.


read https://endtimeapostle.com/apostle-john-kimani-william/

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