Forests of life By Apostle John Kimani William

Forests of life By Apostle John Kimani William

Forests of life By Apostle John Kimani William
Forests of life By Apostle John Kimani William

Forests of life are the things we see in the physical world are also a part of our spiritual realm. They can also teach us of what happens in the spirit.

Many have been stranded in the forests of life. The devil awaits people in such arears of life. When you are walking through a rough patch in life, may the Holy Spirit lead you.

EPHSIANS 2:10 says, ‘For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.’ that is to say there is also a path that we must walk into so that we can fulfill His will for our lives.

There is no other greater thing than this. That is to know the will of the father for our lives. You were wired for something. God had a job for you already. it is for this reason that he created you.

The Forest of Marriage

Many can enter into the wrong marriage and then end up destroying your god given decision. When such a time comes, do not make a hasty decision. You might end up with the wrong person and end up deeper in the forest.

May God help us find the right destiny and marriage partner.

Business as a Forests of life

There are many businesses that God has ordained. We have a task to decern early and walk in his paths and plans. Thgis is the only way to live a godly destiny. May the Lord deliver you from destructive kinds of businesses.

May you never do a business that does not make ends meet. if you cannot identify what you are wired for then you are in the forest life. If you are looking for an investment idea, consider seeking God through prayer. He is only one who understands.

Choosing a career

Our young people need God to understand which career path to follow. Nowadays the forest has overgrown! There is a lot of confusion today when it comes to choosing a career. You may choose one career that will lead you deeper in the forest.

The devil is a skimmer. He can make you miss to understand what kind of a career you are to follow. If this happens to you, you will end up doing a career that you did not like and that you are not wired for.

Study indicates that most people, especially the youths, die early in the morning in the Us. The reason is that they realized they wake up to do the same job that they don’t like. Consequently, they get a stroke and die! May God deliver us from such in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

The Forest of Friends

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” Do you know God cares about friends? Most people who end up into destruction were introduced by friends. You may be having a very good marriage, then the devil uses the friends to ruin it.

This can apply to both the husband and the wife. You must pray for the right connections. You must not hang out with everybody. Spirits can be imparted. Being with someone can influence your life either positively or negatively.

Lifestyle Forests of life

Live your own life. Do not emulate another person. Do not copy other people’s lives. One might not understand the ways of another person that you are trying to emulate. You are not called their calling!

Christianity is a lifestyle. That is why some cannot even fast and pray. This is because they have many lifestyles. We should live a life worthy our calling that we have received. We read this in Ephesians 4:1 that says, Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.

The Forest of Faith and Religion

Do not mix faiths and many religions. You will be lost in such kind of a forest. That is a deception from the enemy. You must keep one Faith. 1 Timothy 1: 19 says, “Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear. For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked.”

Do not wreck your ship of Faith. It is so dangerous to be confidence in the wrong thing.

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#Apostle John Kimani William

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