Why should we forgive people if they hurt us, rather then cut them out of our lives and move on? Is forgiveness always what's best?

How to Achieve Peace With Everyone

Why should we forgive people if they hurt us, rather then cut them out of our lives and move on? Is forgiveness always what's best?
Why should we forgive people if they hurt us, rather then cut them out of our lives and move on? Is forgiveness always what’s best?

Achieving Peace is something most people would be delighted to attain almost every day. The Bible in 2 Thessalonians 3:16 says, “

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.” This particular verse in the bible reminds us that God is the source of our peace. Tranquility is something that is sought after in war-torn areas. I can only imagine someone who has grown up and the only thing they know is chaos and war.

Calmness comes at a very high cost and very few people fail to meet the basic requirements of Peace. In my walk of faith, I have come to realize that it starts with me. I have to watch how I relate with my brethren.

How do you achieve peace?

I have to realize that unresolved anger issues have greatly contributed to the lack of peace. People hold grudges over and over causing anger to boil over limits. If you desire reconciliation, you will be forced to let go of the record of wrongs. However difficult it might sound, it is difficult to move on with such issues holding you down.

We can always let go of our pride and seek forgiveness. There is always that one aspect that keeps targeting your state of tranquility. One of the many things is your ego. Whenever we let our ego rise above everything else and anyone else, we block the possibility of seeing our wrongs.

I am reminded of what the Bible says in Mathew 7:4-5, “How can you say to your brother, `Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

how many times have you been a victim of self-righteousness, baring you from seeing the plank in your eye? You first have to deal with your sins and mistakes and then you can deal justly with others.

Making Peace Doesn’t Mean Avoiding Conflicts

Life and education have made us understand that a conflict avoided is a conflict postponed and can therefore bring more damage. When seeking peace and togetherness, we must begin by realizing an issue and having the courage to address it early enough. Consequently, if we keep avoiding conflicts we will be giving the devil a loophole to do what he is known for steal, kill, and destroy.

Imagine this. Some boys built a dam across a stream desiring to swim by the end of the day. They joined hands and did their best to make their village swimming pool to the best of their knowledge. After the dam was done, they realized a small trickle of water between the rocks. Before long the rocks gave way bringing down the entire dam. what began as a small trickle destroyed a whole days work shuttering the dreams of the boys.

A simple issue that you keep ignoring over and over can bring down something that you have worked on for a long time. Sadly this is what is killing most marriages. Most likely, you have been through such a situation before, and given another chance, you would change several things. Most assuredly, the change would be different as well.

Learn to Take Control of Your Tongue

The Bible in James 1:9 says, “Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.” As the world keeps telling us to express ourselves, lovers of peace will restrain themselves. if you happen to recognize a problem, that is not an indication for you to erupt and disrupt everything.

Most of the time, we explode with your accumulated frustrations, disappointments, and complaints. it is paramount that we learn to restrict our tongues. Even if you are right, please avoid unloading everything.

Make it a long-term goal

In 1 Peter 3:11, the Bible encourages us to seek peace and to pursue it. When an issue has been identified early enough, chances are you will resolve it quickly. But if the wounds have caused great damage, you will be required to be on a long journey with the hurting parties.

When the Bible is telling us to seek it means that Peace isn’t easily attained. There are times when you will be required to tirelessly search for it. Making peace is a process and not an event. Our walk of salvation is a good example. God has continually been restoring us back to Him. Friends this is a journey!

Make the First Move

In the book of Romans 12: 20, Paul reminds us that; “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink” This particular scripture is teaching to reach out with acts of kindness. it would an act of wickedness to think that your enemy has no needs.

This is just one of the many small steps in the right direction. These acts open up a door for talks to take place, soothes the heart and can take away anger.

God Will Heal Your Heart

When unfairly treated, remember that Jesus suffered in the hands of the people He came to save! No one in history has been greatly mistreated like our savior. But, Jesus is a pursuer of peace. As we walk here on earth, we shall be wronged, mistreated, provoked and wounded. But, as Jesus lives as our example, let us fix our eyes on Him.

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