Spiritual Pattern

Koinonia’s Global theme for the year 2024 is “our year of exceeding great rewards.” Apostle Joshua Selman urged everyone to share this message on the 11th of February 2024.

The Principal Of Followership

One of the ways we evolve in this Kingdom is when God gives us the advantage of models and references. Hebrews 12. 1- 2, As we look onto Abraham we evolve, and we become who we are looking at and whom we are looking at.

The second dimension to transformation is looking onto Jesus, law of beholding. So, we behold men but also, we behold Jesus. ‘Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith’ as the Bible says.

When you want to contend for transformation in the spirit, the formula is number one, you have to look onto men. Not any man, not the men you want, but certain men.

These are men who have become models, patterns and references. Number two ultimately you look onto Jesus. If you look onto men alone, like you will be learning, there would be a side effect eventually and if you look onto, Jesus as mighty as that is, he will eventually refer you to men because that is how his system works.

God’s Methods of Fulfillment of Destiny

God’s methods are far superior to men’s method. Isaiah 55.7-10 KJV. When it comes to destiny fulfillment and reality of prophecies, God’s ways are far superior to the ways of men.

Moreover, at any point in life, you will be given liberty of two or more options. Your way, which for many people is the way of the devil in disguised as your way and the God’s way.

You have at least two options to choose from as far as your transformation and fulfilling your Destiny is concerned. The Bible tells us there is God’s way or God’s strategy.

God’s methodology God’s modus operandi and then there is your way and any other way for that matter. The way of the devil, demonic ways, diabolic ways, secular ways but there is the way of the Lord.

Bible is telling us that when we follow the way of the Lord, which is higher greater and better than any other path the Bible lets us know that we can find rest as we find in Jeremiah 6:16 KJV. There are ancient paths that lead to rest.

Patterns Forerun the Glory of God

Every time you want to see the glory of God revealed in your life, the Bible mandates that you walk in keeping with certain divine patterns. The glory of God does not just happen in the life of an individual.

I’ve taught you what the glory of God is that the glory of God is a capture of everything that makes God, God his wisdom, his favor, his power, his goodness the multifaceted dimensions of God being expressed in a man.

I have taught you here again that your assignment as a Believer is not just to fulfill God’s mandate but that your life eventually will evolve and become a manifestation of the glory of God you believe that in Exodus 25:9.

Proof that you have worked in keeping with God’s pattern.

Every time you see the glory of God revealed in the life of a man it is proof thathe kept God’s pattern. You don’t search for Glory by searching for Glory you search for Glory by searching to know the patterns that the glory is connected to.

There is a spiritual pattern that will in inevitably lead to Kingdom influence and a spiritual pattern that will inevitably lead to power in the spirit.

Spiritual Patterns

There is a spiritual pattern that will lead to leadership and excellence in life. There is a spiritual pattern that will activate the prophetic within your spirit.

Certainly, there is a spiritual pattern that turns you into a warrior in the spirit. There is a spiritual pattern that makes you marvelously favored even prosperous of the Lord.

There is a spiritual pattern that controls longevity and Church growth and increase. It does not just happen! There are patterns that made for excellence within the secular system.

Our assignment under God is that by the ministry of the teaching priest is to receive now and understand these Divine patterns and submit yourself to engage them.

Finally, I give you a guarantee by the Integrity of God’s word. When you understand these patterns and engage them all that which will be left in your life is the glory of God. 


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