Apostle John Kimani William Messages

There are dangers of touching His Glory. The greatest sin the even the devil was the first sinner who tried to touch the glory of God. The devil is always tempting us to touch God’s glory. This powerful message was shared by Apostle John Kimani William on 6th December 2022.

Evidently, we can read this in ISAIAH 41:10-17 Isaiah here is trying to show us different pictures of the devil in heaven. The second picture is the devil here on Earth and the third picture is the devil at the end time.

In heaven, we have the hierarchy of angles depending on their duties. There are messenger angels led by Angel Gabriel. They deliver the messages to us through dreams and visions. Sometimes they may appear in the form of people that you know.

His will here on earth, without touching His glory.

May you receive the ministering angels who ministers the will of God here on Earth in Jesus name! Consequently, God will give you clarity of His will here on earth, without touching His glory. May you receive clarity of God’s purpose in your life in Jesus’ name!

When we pray for God’s will to be done here on Earth, there must be the clarity of God’s purpose in our life. We must have received divine communication. The church is interring into a divine state of clarity.

However, there are people who the Lord has been showing them the wicked agendas of the enemy. As we have seen, this is the work of the messenger angels. Pray over every wicked agenda of the enemy over your life. May the enemy miscarry his evil plans.

You can easily be discouraged if you can only focus on what the enemy is planning. Many get afraid of the enemy regardless the fact that he is under our feet. That’s why we have the power to bind and loose. May every blessing that have matured in the spirit locate you.

Everything Serves God For his own Glory.

Lucifer son of the morning was a worshipper. We are told that even his wings could bring glory to God. No wonder when we see very anointed singers backsliding after reaching a certain level. This can be highly attributed to lack of Giving God His glory.

The devil wanted to exalt himself above God. He was full of pride, and he did not give God all the glory. Our foundation of serving God should be anchored unto bringing all the glory to God.

JOHN 4:34 NI, Jesus said, for Him to do the will of God is like having food. His Joy is to bring the will of His Father to its fulfillment. Many times, I feel fulfilment when I do the will of the one who called me. However, it is not enough to only do His will.

If we fail the test and touch his glory

“I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you sent me to do” Jesus said in JOHN 17:4. If we fail the test and touch his glory, we are in a big problem because we end up being in the picture instead of God. He wants us to serve Him and bring all the glory to him.

The only way to be productive it’s when we’re dead to self. Dead to self is when you value nothing in the world except God! This is in accordance with John 12: 24.

MATTHEW 3:9-10 In the above scripture We see the temptation which the devil didn’t pass he’s testing Jesus Christ to fall by it. Jesus wasn’t ignorant of the fact that there are dangers of touching His Glory.

When God keeps silent

If you’re praying and there are things which God has not done or answered, please leave unto Himself because He is God who does according to His will.

It is not uncommon for ministers to experience frustration when their prayers go unanswered by God. However, it is important to question why one would feel this way. There are dangers of touching His Glory.

When God chooses to remain silent, it is not a reflection of your shortcomings, but rather His own. Unless you had specific expectations or desires in mind, which would essentially be seeking to touch His glory, there is no reason to be disappointed by His lack of response.

In our generation, there are many powerful individuals who serve as instruments of God’s work, yet they may not hold prestigious titles or be widely recognized. This demonstrates that God does not require grand titles to work through someone. He can utilize anyone to ensure that His glory remains solely His and is not shared with others.

God can even entrust the least among us to bring Him all the glory, as seen in Acts 21-23. Let us pray that the Lord shows us mercy, so that we do not seek to receive His glory after being elevated by Him. When we are being used greatly by God, it is important for us to humble ourselves and lower our own pride.

Read these scriptures EZEKIEL14:1-5 JEREMIAH 17:18-10

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