How to Function In the Spiritual Realm

How to Function in the Spirit Realm Apostle John Kimani William

If we understand how to function in the spirit realm, we shall be able to build in the spirit realm. Man was created is to have the capacity to function both spiritually and physically. Man is a spirit being but living in a body. Peter referred to this bod as a tent.

Gen 2:15 The spirit realm is very legalistic. It operates with spiritual laws. The devil uses these laws to oppress us. That Is why the bible says we should not give the devil a foothold. Separation from God is referred to as death, due to sin.

The death in Genesis is what Jeus came to solve. That is why when he died the curtains of the temple was torn into two. We didn’t have access. Our fellowship with him as been restored. Adam and eve died a spiritual death.

God’s Intention For The Earth

God had intended to have the earth to be governed in the spirit real. The earth was born in the spirit realm. Hebrews 11:3. The earth must depend on the spirit realm to be governed. Even the devil tempted Jesus to bow down to him so that he could give him the earth.

The world is governed by altars. The most powerful people here on earth govern their affairs through altars. They sacrifice eve their relatives just to have access to this manner of power.

We are being built to become a spiritual house

We are being built to become a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood so that we can offer spiritual sacrifices. That is our ability to function in the spirit. Something that have effect in the spirit realm. That is gods will for us.

Even God sent Moses to pharaoh as a God in order to function in the spirit realm. Even the sorcerers of Egypt tried to do their magic but it reached a point they could not function. Acts 8 we learn of Simon who desired this kind of God.

Holiness is key. There are territories as a church we cannot rule without holiness. Hebrews 5:14 we cannot have dominion in the mountains of influence without this understanding. If you cannot function in the spirit realm you cannot manifest in the spirit. The way to build in this kingdom if we know how to build in the spirt realm.

The church should have spiritual authority

Adam was giving to operate both in the spirit and in the physical. The issues of this world are programed in the spirit. We can influence the situation around the world form this altar through the spirit. Ephesians 3:10 God wanted to give the church the manifold wisdom. The church should have spiritual authority and wisdom that rulers and principalities will see and know they have tapped a new realm.

Those who are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God. You cannot raise in the interactions in the sprit realm unless you are empowered by the spirit of God. When God created us, He created a room for himself. That is why it must be occupied, either by his spirit or by wicked spirits.

We stopped functioning in the spirit realm and that’s why we even fear witches and sorcerers and devil worshippers. We fail to understand we can as well be empowered to function in the spirit. John 11.44 Lazarus could not see even after resurrection. He could not function. Jesus said if we abide in His word we are his disciples indeed.

Everyone who comes to Jesus even after resurrection needs to be set free. the word of god open your mind, your sight, your feet and you can be able to function. many believers have not been brought to a place of liberty where they can function. there is still a process to be made for them to function. They lack access to the spirit realm.

The Story Of Elisha And Gehazi

The story of Gehazi is a good example. We do not walk by sight but by faith. We have been made alive and reign with Christ in heavenly places. many don’t see the divine backing, they cannot see beyond the physical. the word of the Lord purifies, sets free and empowers believers. God created you with the capacity to function in the spirit realm. it is sin that distance us from the spiritual realm.

The capacity to function in the spirit realm is more lethal, more impactful, more glorious. many rulers of this world have gone beyond the physical to tap the spiritual.

However, the church has to come to a place of power. The minute you start functioning in the spirit even fear departs from your presence. You cannot be subdued. There is no any other great power than the power of the Most High God. we shall not fear the sorcerers, diviners, devil worshippers because what we have is more powerful.

There is no any other great power

If there is something the devil fears is a church that can function in the spirit. Therefore the mysteries of the kingdom have been given to us. When we know how to function in the spirit we shall start to see things manifesting. Job 5.6 Trouble does not begin from the earth, it begins in the spirit. When you function in the spirit you can arrest a situation in the Spirit before it happens in the physical.

Jesus said “I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” this the kind of a church the devil fears. this is the kind of a church the lord is building, it will plunder the works of the enemy. Not only in the physical but in the spirit as well. you only become profitable when you know how to operate in the spirit realm.

If you want to function effectively in this kingdom you have to be a Holy Priesthood. Acts 8.4 Philip evil spirits came out of many and many were healed. Philip was transacting in the spirit. We have to desire this kind of a realm. We have to learn to transact in the Spirit Realm. This is where you belong!

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