message by apostle Kimani

How to Show Forth the Glory of God as Royal Priesthood by Apostle John Kimani William

Royal Priesthood By Apostle John Kimani

Apostle John Kimani has announced the launch of the Royal Priesthood dominion night. These shall be night vigil meetings empowered through prayers and the reading of the word of God.

One of the ways that we rise in this kingdom is through the word of God. In order to become fruitful in our lives, we must have a conducive environment for the word of God.

Showing Forth the Glory of God happens to be the purpose of our faith. The heart of God desires to see his people becoming a kingdom of priests. In Genesis 1:26 God intended that man shall have dominion over all the earth and over everything. 1 Peter 2: 4 echoes the same words.

We are constantly being built to become a royal priesthood. The first altar is the altar of your heart. We have the power to operate both in the spiritual and physical. So, it is important to be a priest at the altar of your heart. An altar is a gate way to the spirit realm.

Witches and workers of iniquity carry altars. This the reason as to why one can sleep with a woman and a spirit of immorality comes upon the man. God Himself operates from an altar. This is seen in Isaiah 6. The greatest altar is the one at Calvary, because it where the Lord Jesus gave us His life.

The Moabite King understood Royal Priesthood

In the 2 kings 3:27 we read of Mesha the Moabite king who sacrificed his son. This king understood the power of altars and priesthood. This king and his army overpowered Israel through an altar. if we are to take dominion it truly depends on put priesthood and the strength of the sacrifices offered. what kind of covenants do we have with the deities.

We have to keep the fire on our altars burning. God has called us that we may declare His praises. The essence of our priesthood and our royalty is to enable us show forth the wonderful works, the praises and excellencies. There are things the Lord would like us to portray to the world and after that they will follow Christ.

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When we understand our royalty, it enables us to show or proclaim the excellencies that are in God. His glory and all that He is. God is raising a people with a revelation. One can preach the gospel by intimidation, or you can choose to preach the gospel through attraction. there is a way to show forth the goodness of God till people will desire your kind of God.

Apostle John Kimani William said, “One of the things I decided in my life, is that I am going to preach the gospel by attraction. I will cause people to be attracted to my God when they see what my God can do. I don’t have to intimidate anyone.”

God has called us into His marvelous light John 1:4

The reason Simon the sorcerer accepted Jesus was because he saw what manner of power Phillip was showing forth. God has called us into His marvelous light. Light represents knowledge. The light of God needs to portray divine knowledge. Reference scriptures Malachi 2:7, Hosea 4:6, Ephesians 1:17-18, Jeremiah 3:15

May God raise pastors who can feed the church with knowledge and understanding. Let grace be multiplied through knowledge. Them that shall know their God they shall do exploits. we must read and learn the word of God. The word brings forth light.

Light also represents manifestation. When The Light comes in your life, you are able to manifest our divine calling. Acts 4:6 People cannot deny it when the hand of God rests or manifests upon your life. Revival releases light through the works of the Holy Spirit. Oh God manifest your works through my life and your glory. We shall not show off but to show forth His Glory.

Our assignment is not to argue with people but to manifest what God can do. The graces of dominion show forth the power of God. The light of the righteous shines brighter and brighter until the full dawn.

The graces of dominion show forth the power of God.

The reason we are striving with the world is because we are unable to show forth His Glory. They cannot see anything related to what you are talking about. They even mock your statements.

The light also represents the glory, Isaiah. 60:1-5 says, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. 2 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. 3 Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

4 “Lift up your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you; your sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the hip. 5 Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come.

God wants us to manifest forth His power. The royal priesthood night is to raise a people who can show forth the excellencies. The minute you carry the power of God and show forth His power, you will attract people to God. May we bring forth Manifestation that cannot be denied, even by the nonbelievers.

Royal Priesthood manifest the Power of Dominion

In Nehemiah 6:16 we see a testimony of people who attested that it was God who helped Nehemiah to rebuild the wall. Sometimes we just need to manifest the love of God to people. Seek to manifest the glory of God.

Apostle Kimani shared of how he got bitter and made a cry to see the excellencies of God in churches.

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