Do You Know Your Original Version? Message By Apostle Kimani

Do You Know Your Original Version is a message that was preached by Apostle Kimani of Kingdom Seekers Fellowship Nakuru. Apostle Kimani is very passionate about destiny. He has been teaching the word and leading prayers that are geared towards self-discovery and destiny. The Message is coming as a question.

‘What was our original version?’ asked Apostle Kimani. It is good to ask ourselves this question. We know that mankind has been corrupted. We read in Genesis 6: 2 that God was grieved that He created man. God’s intention for the man had been corrupted. There was an original version that God wanted us to be.

One of the purposes why the Gospel came is to restore you to your original version. This is because of the corruption that was brought through sin. Some of us, our potential, our abilities, and our giftings were corrupted though we carried greatness from the beginning we were not able to fulfill or to become great because there was corruption that came into our lives, intended maybe to capture the original version!

God Shows Us His Original Version of Us

We read in Jeremiah 1:5, before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart I appointed you as a prophet to the Nations.

This scripture is very important! That, before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born I set you apart because you can be corrupted even in your mother’s womb! To some of us, the corruption that came into our life came through our brood line but God is saying your original version was there even before you were conceived. Praise the name of the Living God.

Some things can happen now from the time you were conceived, by the time you were born, or the things that you have gone through in life. The life of sin is another reason why you are no longer your original self. It is very good to understand what was your original version. The Lord is our potter. We have to accept to be molded to become a masterpiece of His original vessel.

The Example Of Jeremiah and his belt

Prophet Jeremiah was instructed by God to put his linen belt in a cleft. After a long period, The Lord still asked him to go for it. Behold, it was destroyed beyond measure and it had been rendered useless. You couldn’t tell its original appearance. That is what the Lord wanted to teach Jeremiah about Israel. They were corrupted and worshipped other idols.

May God help you to recover your initial version. God gives life to the dead, even dead situations in life, as it is written concerning you even before you were conceived. May God release the anointing that is going to release you to be able to receive divine recovery of your original self.

2 peter 1:1-4 says, Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

The gospel and the power of God are supposed to restore

The gospel and the power of God are supposed to restore us from a state of being useless to being useful in accordance to the will of God over our lives. Our prayers and faith are supposed to help us recover us from all manner of corruptible means. A powerless church cannot be able to restore men to their initial state.

The iniquity that brought about the corruption of the state of decay in our lives can be restored through the power of God because He alone is able. When we engage in prayer and fasting, God flashes out the corruption from within us. We are all witnesses of the transformation power of the gospel. God has restored us from decay and uselessness.

Whenever we read the Bible, we are told of a man who was demon-possessed, and upon meeting Jesus, he was set free. Jesus gave him authority and power to go preach the gospel, even to the decapolis. Mark 5 : 3-20. God through Jesus Christ is in the business of restoring us to our original version.

One must be hungry and thirsty for an encounter with God to have a restoration of our original self. We are reminded of Paul who was persecuting the saints. He says in Galatians 1:14-16 saying that God’s call was upon his life since birth. How come he ended up in such a tragic life? But, Paul had an encounter with God and he was able to manifest God’s power in his life.

Can you pray to God saying I want myself back? Bring down every spirit of mediocrity and average. May God RESTORE YOU TO YOUR ORIGINAL VERSION BY THE PURIFICATION THROUGH THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

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