experience the hand of God

Reasons Why many people do not experience the hand of God.

experience the hand of God
why some people don’t experience the hand of God

Do you know why many people do not experience the hand of God in their lives consistently? Among the many reasons, please lend me your attention. Among the many reasons, it is that most Believers take the faithfulness of God for granted. You know, when God brings you out of a place of pain, suffering, and need, sometimes within a moment, you forget the pain of yesterday and do not lay it to heart to say thank you.

When God lifts you as a man of God

When God lifts you as a man of God, some of us, when you came here, you had no jobs. Some of us, when you came here, you had nothing.  You had to Trek your way here, discouraged with all kinds of causes, all kinds of manifestations, but look what He’s producing out of your life.  It’s important that you learn to be grateful. Every time you take God for granted, he will not fight you, but the very state of ingratitude would authorize Satan to remind you of how you were before His Mercy came.  It’s true, ingratitude is a great doorway; it brings back your past, allowing the negative path to become your present.

There are people who have gone from grace to grass because of ingratitude. There are people who have gone from grace to grass because they’ve taken God for granted.  Never get to a point where you feel, with or without God, I can still make it. There are preachers making that mistake, there are leaders making that mistake, there are parents making that mistake, there are millionaires and billionaires making that mistake.  Money can deceive, certificates can deceive, anointing can deceive, influence can deceive. You must always remind yourself, like the Apostle would say, “I am what I am by the grace of God.”  I am what I am.

It is only by the mercy of God

Again, after all, you have some money in your account, now you have a house or some estates, wonderful. But he’s charging you again that whilst you are here. You must know that outside of God’s mercy, great people can be reduced to ashes. It is only by the mercy of God that the weak become strong. It is only by the mercy of God that the poor become blessed.

It is only by the mercy of God that the ignorant become full of knowledge. Learn this as a principle; teach those in your organization, teach those within your influence that every time you stand with abundance of any sort before you, learn humility. Let them ask you why you are still rolling while you are blessed. Then you remind them like David said, “I’m rolling and dancing before the Lord who took me from the Wilderness and carried your father’s kingdom and gave to me. Hallelujah.”

May a time never come whereas a Ministry we become full of ourselves. And that we do not accord Jesus the glory that is due his name. We are not ashamed. Let the Nations know that we are all that we are and we all that we have today; it’s not just because of Joshua Selman. I have taught you. There are times that your skill can be there as important as it is; your ability to fish can be there, you can be at the seaside, the correct place having the correct tools: your boat, your net, your skill, and yet you will not catch fish.

Receive Jesus today, say this prayer https://endtimeapostle.com/say-the-sinners-prayer-for-salvation-of-jesus/

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