Apostle John Kimani William

Apostle John Kimani William Explains How He Got Delivered

Preaching on Sunday the 4th of February 2024 at KingdomSeekers Fellowship Nakuru, Apostle John Kimani William narrated to the congregation how he was delivered from demonic spirits that were after his destiny.

Just two years before he resigned from the police service, apostle John Kimani narrated of how they went to Kagumo High School and it was in that meeting that demons spoke out of him.

“There was a heavy ministration and suddenly I saw like the ceiling was falling on me. I fell down and suddenly became violent. Kicking and hitting people.” Explained Apostle Kimani.

Scared Ushers

He was rushed outside by the ushers and the demons spoke. They wanted him dead! It took the intervention of the Presiding Bishop to cast out the demons.

Quoting the demons “kwa nini anaharibu kazi yetu? Huyu tutamuua!” The demons spoke. Finally, they left him including their sender.

It was after that encounter that Apostle John Kimani decided to go on 21 days of prayer and fasting. Ever since then his prayer life and ministry changed completely.

What The Demons wanted

The demons were angry that Apostle Kimani was destroying the works of darkness. He had just started doing ministry in hospitals, bus stops, and in prisons. He was being used mightily by the power of God and major deliverances were happening even in prisons.

If the devil had been able to thwart Apostle Kimani at such an early stage, then the work we are seeing right now could not have materialized. Imagine the mega church, Church Without Walls, Billboard For Jesus. Heaven’s Gate Prayer Mountain, Kingdom City, MBCI Media and other ministries. Who could have birthed these ministries?

The Devil is A skimmer

You see the devil is a skimmer. He knew the power and the potential that was in Apostle Kimani and that is why he wanted him dead.

We all have a part to play to attain our God-given destinies. We have to labor in prayer and to employ weapons of prayer and fasting. Reading and, meditating on the word of God as much as we can. This word of God has to come to life in us.

Apostle Kimani is a strong crusader in pursuing God’s Destiny for our lives. He has written many books about destiny and the latest and the most selling issue is the nuggets of destiny. This is a yearly issue that has been of great help to Christians in matters of reading the word of God. It has been helpful for people to learn how to pray as well.

Finally, thank you for reading this article. Please follow Apostle John Kimani on his official social media platforms for more. You can by the Nuggets Of Destiny 2024 on Amazon by following this link Nuggets of Destiny 2024: Plus One Year Bible Reading Plan: William, Mr. John Kimani: 9789914963083: Amazon.com: Books

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