Warfare prayers

Warfare Prayers as a Prayer Model By Joshua Selman

Warfare prayers
Warfare prayers are not necessarily meant to fight the devil.

Warfare prayers are not necessarily meant to fight the devil. This model of prayer has only one assignment of establishing the realities that have been finished in Christ, to make them manifest in your life. Philippians 1:19. This prayer turns anything to your advantage.

As a believer, you must look at everything from God’s standpoint of a sovereign plan. There is still a way that God can always receive glory even in the most unlikely circumstances. Warfare prayer is predicated upon realizing that all things work for good to those who know the Lord and are called according to His purposes. Scriptural prayer models is a sermon that was preached by Apostle Joshua Selman during RCCG-TKC women’s conference.

Knowing that victory has been given to us by Christ does not threaten Satan. You have to engage him through scripture for your profit. Do not assume that all things will turn out well and therefore lack to pray, please pray. This kind of prayer is a time for serious adventure that requires one to involve partners and people who can pray with them. You need people who love you and understand you so that you can all engage with power.

How to Win through Spiritual Warfare Prayers

Whenever seasons are about to change is the best season to engage in this kind of prayer because the devil strikes at such times. This is why one has to pray before their defining seasons in life. There are certain kairos moments in life where we cannot afford to sleep as if everything is alright.

Everybody who wants to live serving God’s purposes and to walk in victory must understand warfare prayers. I will never allow satan to come and roam around my spiritual atmosphere. We have to know that there are spirits sent to sabotage our lives, from the moment a believer is born again.

Some spirits are assigned to ministerial offices

Some spirits are assigned to ministerial offices they are not assigned to individuals they are assigned to whatever is of God. If God has called you to be an intercessor, there will be spirits that will look for you. You don’t have to call them they will come. They were sent to pursue every intercessor because the devil knows the power of prophetic intercession.

Consequently, there are spirits that are spirits assigned to regions. They begin to mold you to look like the deformities within that territory. If that territory is known for poverty, and you would like to become a multi-millionaire sadly you don’t have spiritual intelligence you can step into that territory and mysteriously things will start going bad.

That also includes overseas oh! Overseas does not have a special closeness to the throne room. No! It’s just that the people are a lot more enlightened and their policies work a lot better than it does in other places. But as far as the attack of spirits the whole earth lies in wickedness you will find Spirits everywhere.

Imagine the spirits that attack you as a believer, then a man of God. Spirits that attack families because there is a prophet, there is an apostle that is coming there. Sadly, you don’t even know where the attack is coming from. You would have looked at all of these people in the Bible and seen the kind of attack that came over them.

Never Entertain The devil

I’m sure Mary would look at her child and say, “Why do they want to kill my baby.” As for me, I’ve made a covenant with God that for as long as I’m alive I will keep Satan far from my life, the ministry God has given me, and everybody God has brought under my care. I take it as a responsibility.

One thing I can tell you is Satan is not; he’s not a friend, he’s not an adviser. Have no discussions with Satan! He’s evil ,the epitome of evil he will kill anything he’s allowed to kill.

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