How to Unlock the Anointing Pastor Benny Hinn’s Insight

Unlock the Anointing Pastor Benny Hinn

Pastor Benny Hinn shares keys to receive the anointing of God as follows.

Fill your life with the word of God.

Pastor Benny Hinn adds that you must give up give up everything that means nothing. One cannot feed upon the word of God if you have 20 things to focus on. No, you have to forsake everything. You have to forsake all other books, movies whatever. Put them aside have no interest in anything to do with this world.

You must pay that price. Pastor Benny asks, “Do you know why God uses me? I have no interest in anything else. I have news for you I know nothing about football, baseball any ball I know nothing.”

I honor those who are athletes and wonderful people and on and on and but that’s their calling okay that’s what God called them to do let them do it. I have no interest.

You Have To give up everything.

One day Pastor Benny’s little boy Joshua said to him, “Daddy take me to a basketball game.” Pastor Hinn then sat there so bored. I thought to myself, “what are these people screaming about?” said Pastor Benny during a meeting.

He was bored everybody is cheering and I’m like, what! I couldn’t figure out what it was that they were enjoying. God had done that in me. Now maybe that’s not what you want, but I like that. I don’t care about movies and movie stars. I don’t care who they are. I don’t know who they are. I have no clue what their names are and frankly I don’t care to know who they are now I am not saying I am not saying that’s the way you should live but that’s the way I live.

The Bible says, “To whom much is given much is required.” One has to give up a lot and give up a lot to receive a lot from God. How many of you are serious, now this is no joke and no game, how many are truly serious you are willing to give to give up everything you love now so that you can receive the anointing? I think you got to think about this because the Holy Spirit will demand this of you, he will demand it.

Pastor Benny Hinn’s Girlfriend Michelle

Pastor Benny Hinn explained he liked a girl named Michelle before he got married. He was in love with this girl. He was a young kid with long hair and enjoyed life and all the rest of it. Michelle was the best thing in the world by then.

One day he went to Catherine’s meeting God touched his life. I’m sitting in the back of a car an old broken-down Chevy and the Holy Ghost says, “Will you give this up?” yes, give this up yeah and I’m crying will you give this up yes give yes, he comes to Michelle No I would not let go and the Lord dealt with me over and over.

How God gave Benny Hinn the Anointing

I began to sweat. Finally, I said you can have her too and then He gave me something better called the anointing of God. God anointed my life because I give up not only Michelle but a whole lot of stuff and he said you got to let go this this this and they were things I enjoyed.

Pastor Hinn loved doing some of that stuff back then as a just as a young kid like you I enjoyed certain music, and I enjoyed things that I would go out with young people like you do this and this and that and God said no I want you to isolate yourself I had to lock myself in a room for 3 years.

However,I didn’t know how long I’ve been there I. I didn’t know how long God would demand of me to give up all this, but I said Lord I want you I don’t want all these stuffs. I just want you; he said all right if you want me here’s what I want. There is a price, a heavy price are you willing to pay it in order to receive the anointing?

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