This is who I am

Who Am I? The Concept and the value of identity

This is who I am

Who am I is a question of identity. “Who am I?” is a profound question that attempts to bring to your consciousness the concept and the value of identity. Psychologists, religious leaders, and even scientists agree at this point that an individual who does not know himself or herself is already on the path to doom and the path to defeat.

There are many people today who are under the pressure to become several things. This depends on who is putting the pressure on them. It is simply because they have not taken out time to study their identity. Identity is a very powerful thing; it’s a very profound thing. Sadly, our world is gradually losing the sense of identity and it’s resulting in all kinds of pressure – people trying to show that they are making it. Preachers not being patient with the process until they become businesspeople, leaders, and so on and so forth.

Who Am I is a dangerous psychological cancer.

Identity crisis is a dangerous psychological cancer; it can destroy a great destiny. It is important that from the onset, these are not questions you should ask at the end of your life. These are the questions that guarantee you’re reaching the end successfully. Are we together now?

There are certain questions you have the liberty of asking as you go, but these are questions that are best answered before the journey or at the infancy of the journey so that, if you have to turn back, you will not have wasted years before making a U-turn. Are we learning now?

The thing about the school of the spirit and the school of Destiny is that even if you are in error moving in the wrong direction for 20 years, by the time you find the right path, God will mandate that you return back and start the journey afresh. You will think you would just shift to a new lane, it doesn’t work like that.

Maximizing Your Destiny

Imagine spending 10-15 years of your life following a path that seemed right to you, only to find out that it’s a way of destruction, a way of failure. Then you have to make that U-turn, and the same distance you wasted arriving at your place of error is the same distance you will spend to come back to the point where you will start again.

I’m praying that you will pay attention to the things that you are hearing, so that you will not have to answer this question when your children are answering their own: “Did you hear what I said?” There are many people who will refuse to answer this question, and they will be forced to repeat the classes in the school of the spirit. And now answer this question together with their children or answer this question together with their grandchildren.

Life has no respect for time that was ill invested. If you did not invest in your time to maximize moments, your children will join you in the school of the spirit, your grandchildren will join you in the school of the spirit, and they will ask you, “Why are you answering this question at this point?” the question of identity

Why Many believers do not understand their identity.

Psalm 49 and verse 20. The Bible says, “A man that is in honor and understands it not, is like a beast in the field that perisheth.”

Many believers, because they do not understand their identity, they go through all kinds of psychological swings trying to become the kind of person who will gain an applause from people. Let me tell you, one of the cardinal pillars for effective leadership and becoming an influence is having a strong conviction of your identity. Because as you surgeon through life and destiny, hear me, ladies and gentlemen, culture will try to redefine you, the failure of people will try to redefine you, the thinking of the time will try to redefine you.

For instance, in our world right now, when you see a young man and perhaps pressing honorably to his life and destiny, chances are excellent that he will feel like a failure because he does not have a car, he does not have maybe some house and so on and so forth. And there are many people who are actually doing well but simply because society has given a wrong parameter to measure masculinity, a wrong parameter to measure growth, a wrong parameter to measure ministry, a wrong parameter to measure success. The fake life that is eating up the average young man in our society is credited directly to identity crisis.

I want to make it. Who is the ‘I’

The reason why many young people today have found themselves in all kinds of destructive vices almost every week the law enforcement agents are apprehending someone who is involved in some kind of shady practice some kind of destructive practice. And you ask the young man what exactly are you looking for. The cliche in our world today is I want to make it. Who is the ‘I’ that is the question we want to ask? Who is the ‘I’ who wants to make it? Society has told us that we are failures when certain things do not happen, when certain things do not add up.

Are we together and some of you right now in this place, you are, you literally, you would have been better by far if you had that sense of self-security for want of word upon the strength of who God has made you. Some gentleman looked at you and said you are not a beautiful lady and that destroyed your sense of self-worth, and you started acting and doing things, even stupid things because you are trying to fit.

The Pressure to belong.

There is a cancer that is eating up young people in our world today is the pressure to belong. Have you heard such a statement? So they create mundane parameters that you must qualify to join certain groups or certain people. And they are not all wrong but there are some that are so destructive, there are groups and people today that if you are a sound Christian and you love the Lord living a responsible life as a young man and a young lady those groups will send away, they will say you are too innocent to be part of them, they want bad people.

Is like a credit if you say you’re a well behaved person! They say “No you are too naive and you are too stupid to walk with us. We need people who are prone to destruction, prone to anger, prone to rebellion. Someone who can beat anyone once you are angry.” And then they call it all kinds of names. Some of us who were once well behaved and now becoming something that we were not designed by God because of the pressure to belong. Dressing, speaking and social media. There are people who were dressing well until they met certain groups of people and they told them if you keep dressing like this you will not marry.Now that you have changed what has happened?

Deception Is Witchcraft

The basic definition of Witchcraft is to cause someone to err using the tool of deception hallelujah. How about young men? With the value of respect and dignity and honor but then here comes a group of very confused but arrogant people who now begin to put pressure on your identity, and they say, “Mr. Man at the rate at which you are going you will never get established. There is a way we do things.” and after 2 years of foolish work you find yourself in the prison. Perhaps for the next 10 years perhaps for the next 15 years. And when you get into trouble all the people who motivated you into that trouble will not come.

Who am I is a question that I had to answer in my life. If you know who you are you will reject the pressure from men. Pressure to become anything God did not say about you. Hallelujah. For instance, I learned from this Revelation that having a car and having a house is not what defines me.

What do material things mean to you?

I’m not saying those things are wrong but if I suddenly feel good about my life just when I have a car in a house is a risk what then happens when the car spoils your value for yourself also drops. So, if I stand in the midst of someone who has a better dressing than me I begin to feel like a failure by what parameter who brought these parameters it’s time for you to begin to probe the things that represent the Epic Center of your self-worth.

Now I’m not saying to not be challenged because there are some of us who really need to be challenged. If people don’t challenge you, you will never leave that psychological cocoon that you are in. So, being challenged is a good thing for many people hallelujah.

You don’t need to waste time telling people who you are

“When you know who you are, you don’t need to waste time telling people who you are. If you find yourself always trying to say who you are, it is a mechanism to manage you. Not knowing who you are. Does a lion tell you it’s a lion? Lion’s Roar and it stops there. An eagle does not need to tell you ‘I’m an eagle.’ Keep watching the sky; sooner or later, you will see that there is only one bird that is soaring with such a level of mastery. That bird is not called a pigeon, it’s called an eagle. Are we together?

The pressure to try to prove a point is something that must die permanently. If anybody thinks you are a failure, forgive their ignorance while they learn. And if they insist that you are a failure, leave them with God. The one who called you to make you successful.”

This post had been greatly made possible by Koinonia Global

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